Please note that this database is a work in progress!
The author makes no guarantees and holds no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in the database. Information has been taken from various sources including flock books, sale catalogues, BASCO database and data supplied by breeders.
Here are brief descriptions of the main pages of the site:
- Sheep Search Criteria - This page provides a form into which you can enter search criteria for sheep whose registration information you would like to see. You can be specific and enter, for example, a registration number or name, or you can be more general and specify, for example, a flock number or breeder's name. When you click the 'Search' button on the Search Criteria page, a search will be performed using your criteria and the results of the search will be shown on the Search Results page (see below).
- Sheep Search Results - This page shows you the results of the search that you ran using the Search Criteria page. The results of your search will be shown in a table listing the various information from the database for the sheep matching your criteria. If there are more sheep than fit on the page (default of 10), then you will see the first page of results and there will be links for the remaining pages below the table. You can click on any row within the table of search results to go to a Pedigree page for that sheep (see below).
- Pedigree - This page shows a 5 generation pedigree (where available) for the selected sheep. A powerful feature of the pedigree is that you can click on any sheep in the pedigree to go to a new pedigree for that sheep. You can use this feature to work your way through the family tree as far back as the records go. At the top of the pedigree report will be a Progeny link (see below).
- Progeny - This page shows any progeny from the database for the selected sheep (if the sheep has any progeny in the database). Like the pedigree page, you can click any row in the report to go to a pedigree for that sheep. This allows you to work the other direction through the family trees if desired.
- Add Sheep to Database - You must be a registered user to add sheep to the database. Please contact us for more information.